The Future of Dysphagia

Globally, for the first time, there are more people over 65 than under five years of age. In 2017, 3.8 million Australians were aged 65 years and over, according to a survey by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. This comprises 15% of the population, compared to just 5% in 1937. This “demographic time bomb” is still in steep ascent, expected to reach 8.8 million older Australians – more than one in five people – by 2057, and 12.8 million, or one in four people, by 2097. The profile of this older cohort itself is expected to shift upwards.

Living longer can have several impacts on health and wellbeing, including dysphagia. The condition can occur at any age but is most common with aging, affecting up to one in five community-dwelling older adults and around half of those living in aged care facilities.

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