Browse Our Library

Over the years, we’ve read a plethora of journals, listened to top researchers, and had numerous conversations with renowned specialists. The most engaging insights we’ve archived in our library of over 110 easy to digest articles. These include the intricacies of determining protein quality, the future of 3D printed food in aged care, how diet quality affects frailty with ageing, and why we need a bit more protein as we age.

Like healthcare, our library is always evolving. So feel free to visit regularly.

Protein needs with aging

Nearly half of older adults don’t get enough protein – and that’s a problem. While a nutritionally well-rounded diet is vital at any age, and

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Preventing frailty with yoga

Frailty is a serious problem for older adults and affects around half of people over 80. With its associated issues including weakness, muscle wasting, falls

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The importance of social connections

It’s long been recognised that fulfilling social connections have multiple benefits for people’s wellbeing. A recently published study suggests that satisfying relationships with loved ones,

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